Reselling & Changes

Changes can be made up to 1 week before your bus trip. Afterwards this is not possible anymore. The passengers list is already made by then. Below you can read more about reselling and changes for your ticket.

Yes, this is possible.

If you have entered the wrong information or ordered a wrong ticket, you can file a request to change your ticket at ticket provider Paylogic.

Cancellation is not possible. However, we offer a few options:

  1. Resell your ticket to someone you know. It is important to change the name on the ticket via our ticketprovider Paylogic.
  2. Refund protection / booking insurance. When you are ordering your ticket, you can choose this option. Check ticket provider Paylogic for more information about Refund Protection
  3. Make use of your own travel or cancellation insurance.

Yes, you can safely resell your ticket to a friend or acquaintance.

Resell your ticket to someone you know. You can also announce that you are selling tickets on one of our Facebook events. It is important to change the name on the ticket via our ticketprovider Paylogic.


  • When you sell a bus ticket with ‘Amsterdam’ as city of departure, for example, the city of departure will always remain ‘Amsterdam’. You cannot change this anymore.
  • You can resell your ticket up to 7 days in advance of the departure date. The final bus plan will already be made by then, so changes are not possible anymore. 

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